Football Tickets
Season Ticket Phases:
Renewals - May 13th thru May 31st
Trades – June 3rd thru June 14th
Open to the Public – August 1st thru August 15th
Season Ticket Process:
● Renewal
○ The original season ticket holder will receive an email (FROM TICKET SPICKET/Hometown Ticketing) on Monday May 13th at 8:00 AM.
○ You must choose to RENEW your current seats inside the renewal window, or your season tickets will be removed from your account (this process cannot be undone).
● Trades
○ The RENEWAL process above must be completed before moving to the TRADE phase.
○ Renewed season ticket holders will be able to trade their seats with each other OR pick different seats if available.
● Open to the Public - Season Tickets
○ Season ticket sales will open to the general public (this is NOT for individual games).
Season Ticket Prices:
$25 for all 5 Home Games per seat
For questions call Nicole Wood athletic secretary at 806-363-7626 or email
For help with Ticket Spicket customer service visit